Tras unos meses sin tocar un lapiz ( y mucho menos un papel) hoy me ha dado por hacer unos garabatos. Estoy super oxidado, pero espero con el tiempo volver a coger el habito de dibujar a diario antes de atrofiarme por completo...
I really liked this part of the article, with a nice and interesting topics have helped a lot of people who do not challenge things people should know.. You need more publicize this so many people who know about it are rare for people to know this... Success for you.....!!!
4 comentarios:
Me encantan tus dibujos Pedro!! Gracias por compartir!
I really liked this part of the article, with a nice and interesting topics have helped a lot of people who do not challenge things people should know.. You need more publicize this so many people who know about it are rare for people to know this... Success for you.....!!!
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